VVSPY Models


class vvspy.obj.Departure
Departure object from a departure request of one station.
raw dict
Raw dict received by the API.
stop_id str
Station_id of the departure.
x str
Coordinates of the station.
y str
Coordinates of the station.
map_name str
Map name the API works on.
area str
The area of the station (unsure atm)
platform str
Platform / track of the departure.
platform_name str
name of the platform.
stop_name str
name of the station.
name_wo str
name of the station.
countdown int
minutes until departure.
datetime datetime.datetime
Planned departure datetime.
real_datetime datetime.datetime
Estimated departure datetime (equal to self.datetime if no realtime data is available).
delay int
Delay of departure in minutes.
serving_line ServingLine
line of the incoming departure.
operator LineOperator
Operator of the incoming departure.
stop_infos: Optional[dict]
All related info to the station (e.g. maintenance work).
line_infos Optional[dict]
All related info to the station (e.g. maintenance work).


class vvspy.obj.Arrival

Arrival object from a arrival request of one station.

raw dict
Raw dict received by the API.
stop_id str
Station_id of the arrival.
x str
Coordinates of the station.
y str
Coordinates of the station.
map_name str
Map name the API works on.
area str
The area of the station (unsure atm)
platform str
Platform / track of the arrival.
platform_name str
name of the platform.
stop_name str
name of the station.
name_wo str
name of the station.
countdown int
minutes until arrival.
datetime datetime.datetime
Planned arrival datetime.
real_datetime datetime.datetime
Estimated arrival datetime (equal to self.datetime if no realtime data is available).
delay int
Delay of arrival in minutes.
serving_line ServingLine
line of the incoming arrival.
operator LineOperator
Operator of the incoming arrival.
stop_infos Optional[dict]
All related info to the station (e.g. maintenance work).
line_infos Optional[dict]
All related info to the station (e.g. maintenance work).


class vvspy.obj.Trip

Result object from a trip request from one station to another including interchanges

raw dict
Raw dict received by the API.
connections List[Connection]
List of connections the trip consists of.
duration int
seconds the trip takes overall.
zones Optional[List[str]]
List of zones this trip goes through.
fare Optional[dict]
misc info about this trip, ticket prices, etc.


class vvspy.obj.Connection

Several connections describe one Trip.

raw dict
Raw dict received by the API.
duration int
seconds this connection takes
is_realtime_controlled bool
whether or not this connection has realtime tracking
origin Origin
Origin, where this connection starts
destination Destination
Where this connection is heading to
transportation Transportation
Transportation info of this connection
stop_sequence Optional[List[dict]]
stop sequence of this connection
foot_path_info Optional[]
Info if you really want to walk ?
infos Optional[List[]]
coords Optional[List[List[int]]]
coords of this connection
path_description Optional[]
interchange Optional[]
properties Optional[dict]
misc info about this connection


class vvspy.obj.Origin

Describes the origin of a Connection.

raw dict
Raw dict received by the API.
is_global_id bool
id str
station id of the origin station
name str
name of the origin station
disassembled_name Optional[str]
detailed name of the origin station.
type str
type of the origin station. (e.g. bus, track)
point_type Optional[str]
coord List[int]
coords of the station
niveau int
parent dict
departure_time_planned datetime.datetime
Time planned of arrival.
departure_time_estimated datetime.datetime
Time estimated with realtime info (same as departure_time_planned if no realtime data is available).
delay int
Minutes of delay.
properties dict
misc info about the origin.


class vvspy.obj.Destination

Describes the destination of a Connection.

raw dict
Raw dict received by the API.
is_global_id bool
id str
station id of the destination station
name str
name of the destination station
disassembled_name Optional[str]
detailed name of the destination station.
type str
type of the destination station. (e.g. bus, track)
point_type Optional[str]
coord List[int]
coords of the station
niveau int
parent dict
arrival_time_planned datetime.datetime
Time planned of arrival.
arrival_time_estimated datetime.datetime
Time estimated with realtime info (same as arrival_time_planned if no realtime data is available).
delay int
Minutes of delay.
properties dict
misc info about the destination.


class vvspy.obj.Transportation

Describes info about transportation of a Connection.

raw dict
Raw dict received by the API.
id str
id of the transportation.
name str
name of the transportation.
disassembled_name str
detailed name of the transportation.
number str
line number of the transportation.
description str
description, most of the time the string that is displayed on the bus/train itself.
product dict
describes the mean of transport (bus, train, etc.)
operator LineOperator
describes the Operator of the transport.
destination dict
destination of the transport.
properties dict
misc info about the transport.


class vvspy.obj.ServingLine

Describes the line, departing or arriving in a Departure/Arrival result.

raw dict
Raw dict received by the API.
key str
key (most likely an ID) of the line.
code str
code (most likely type) of the line.
number str
number of line (e.g. U12).
symbol str
symbol displayed on the transport itself (e.g. U12).
mot_type str
mt_sub_code str
real_time bool
whether or not the transport supports realtime tracking.
direction str
Last station the transport is heading to.
direction str
Last station the transport is heading to.
direction_from str
Starting station of the transport.
name str
name of the line type (e.g. Stadtbahn).
train_num str
Last station the transport is heading to.
delay Optional[str]
Minutes of delay.
li_erg_ri_proj dict
Detailed line information (e.g. network)
dest_id str
station id of the destination
stateless str


class vvspy.obj.LineOperator

Describes the operator of a Connection.

raw dict
Raw dict received by the API.
id str
id of the operator.
name str
display name of the operator.
public_code str
public_code of the operator.